Journals invite original articles and are not sent simultaneously to other journals or conferences. The entire spectrum of government and law are welcome.

Peer Review Process
Edutran Journal Government and Law implements the Multiple Peer Review Process. The Editor in Chief will assign the manuscript to the editor of the relevant section for further handling. The section editor will ask at least two scientists to review the manuscript. Based on comments from reviewers, the Section Editor and Editor in Chief will decide the manuscript.

Focus and scope of EGL Journal include:

1. Government
2. Politics
3. Local Government
4. Governance
5. Law
6. Labour Law
7. Tax Law
8. Procedure Law
9. Constitutional Law
10. Local Government Law

Tools :

Grammarly; carakatani; caraka tani 

EGL journal is abstracting & indexing in the following databases:

Lisensi Creative Commons
This work is licensed under a Lisensi Creative Commons Atribusi-BerbagiSerupa 4.0 Internasional.