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This study aims to determine the relationship between critical thinking skills and learning discipline with social studies learning outcomes in Gugus I Pebayuran District. Good learning discipline makes students have full awareness in learning without encouragement or orders. This allows students to build critical thinking skills and more explorative learning behavior. Students who have mature self-readiness more quickly understand the subject matter so that they can achieve better learning outcomes. This research is a type of quantitative research. The population used in this study were fifth grade students in SD Negeri Gugus I Pebayuran District with a total of 238 students, with a sample taken as many as 70 students from the population. Data collection techniques through Learning Discipline questionnaire and Critical Thinking Ability questions and Social Studies Learning Outcomes. The results of the validity test of Social Studies Learning Outcomes obtained 17 valid items from 20 questions and Learning Discipline obtained 23 statement items that were declared valid from 30 statement items. Obtained tcount> ttable then the hypothesis is accepted, seen from the partial test of 0.989> 0.2352 for critical thinking, 0.988> 0.2352 for learning discipline and Fhitung> Ftabel = 1545.387> 3.13 in the form of positive values and the relationship between X1 and X2 with Y simultaneously / together. So it can be considered that Critical Thinking Ability and Learning Discipline are factors that influence Social Studies Learning Outcomes.
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