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This paper examines the internalization of faith and knowledge through Islamic religious education in public universities as the author's attention to the shift in religious values ​​and norms among students in public universities. This requires special attention, as this research examines in depth the internalization of faith values ​​and knowledge for students at public universities. So that general science studies are able to internalize the values ​​of faith. The main aim is to combine faith with science so that awareness grows of the importance of instilling the values ​​of faith and science in students so that awareness grows about the importance of faith and science becoming one complete and inseparable unit. The advancement of information technology as a means of supporting the internalization and understanding of faith and science requires very in-depth study. The research method in this writing uses a qualitative method, namely by means of literature study, searching and collecting from various relevant sources. The results of this research are that students are able to utilize advances in information technology as a means of learning media in internalizing faith and knowledge as an implementation of Islamic educational theology in public colleges.


Internalization Faith Knowledge Implementation

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How to Cite
Masruroh, S., Zainuri, R. D., & Haerudin. (2023). Internalization of Faith and Science through Islamic Religious Education in Public Universities (Study of Theology of Islamic Education). Edutran of Educational, 1(1), 8-14. Retrieved from


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